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Book details
  • SubGenre:Channeling & Mediumship
  • Language:English
  • Pages:127
  • eBook ISBN:9781483546360

Project "EARTH"

A Metaphysical Primer

by aja

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Project “Earth” by aja is an introduction – a metaphysical, or New Thought, primer - that will be equally valuable to those whose curiosity has just been raised, whose growth has just begun and those who are long-term students of cosmic awareness seeking a reminder. Refreshing and informative, it provides a bridge for both those now ready to step into the age of Aquarius and those already aware of universal principles. Beginning with the creation of mankind, this work continues on through communications, development, healing and the death stages of life. It discusses how to open the communications and probe deep into past experiences for answers to today’s challenges. Project Earth lays the ground work for your own research leading to further personal development. Concise and current, it is also a joy to read – for after all, it is YOUR story!
Project “Earth” by aja is an introduction – a metaphysical, or New Thought, primer - that will be equally valuable to those whose curiosity has just been raised, whose growth has just begun and those who are long-term students of cosmic awareness seeking a reminder. Transcribed from channeled messages received by three women - this book is intended for those who may be just opening to possibilities beyond what they've been taught and what main stream society believes. But the whole 'other' is too big, too mysterious, very confusing - and most don't know where to start. The language is simple and easy to understand. Compact, but with a broad scope, this book includes topics such as life and death, relationships, soul/body connection, using energy, etheric fields/auras, the power of love, psychic war, healing and free will. Except for the channel in this book assignment, Alena - the material was the 'primer' to the authors, as well; and has served as a solid foundation for all further studies beyond the channeled project. In addition to being a great first step for a newly awakening reader, this material also makes an excellent gift for friends and family who don't want to hear it from such a close personal mouth; they prefer to hear it/read it from an objective third party source. As more of humanity awakens to the higher principles – perhaps, there is a potential for less judgment of self and others, hate, discontent. Perhaps our society can evolve.
About the author
aja is the composite pen name of the three women referenced in the book as Alena, Joy and Andrina. At the time of the book’s completion in 1988, their lives were intertwined and each had come to the book project after having followed a unique path to that point. Alena (Eileen) had already gone to the four corners of the earth in a lifetime quest for higher universal spiritual growth and understanding. Joy (Clarette) began her study of human potential initially in the course of her career in human resources and has continued this quest through many diverse experiences. Andrina (Karen) was a career-minded professional who is also deeply involved in exploring the spiritual aspects of life. Over the subsequent years, all three have gone their separate ways, while staying in touch – and are very much still on the path of their own spiritual development and teaching enlightenment through their own individual projects.